Plaseaza comanda

Detalii pentru facturare


Informații suplimentare

Comanda ta

Produs Total
Training Profesional de Hipnoză  × 1 7.500,00 lei
Sub-total 7.500,00 lei
Total 7.500,00 lei
  • Cel mai Securizat sistem de plăți din lume!

    Visa®, Mastercard®, and Discover® cardholders:
    cvv Turn your card over and look at the signature box. You should see either the entire 16-digit credit card number or just the last four digits followed by a special 3-digit code. This 3-digit code is your CVV number / Card Security Code.


    American Express® cardholders:
    cid Look for the 4-digit code printed on the front of your card just above and to the right of your main credit card number. This 4-digit code is your Card Identification Number (CID). The CID is the four-digit code printed just above the Account Number.

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